What does the Middleville United Methodist Church use the money for?
We take pleasure in knowing that our church makes a difference in the lives of our members and in the lives of so many people beyond our congregation who are touched by our good work. Your financial pledge and contributions support:
Worship services and music programming
Religious education for children and youth
Community outreach such as the Food Pantry
Faith development, learning and fellowship for adults
Facility operations, maintenance and debt commitments
Salaries for pastor and church staff
Mutual, supportive relationships with the United Methodist organization across the denomination
Provide a home for both youth and adult organizations such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H and AA
We know our church is not a building, not the staff, not the Board of Trustees-it’s all of us. We- the members, friends, newcomers, children and youth-we are this church! The wonderful “home” of MUMC comes alive every time we live our better selves- every time we connect, grow, and reach out with caring to act on our United Methodist values.